#SquareCMD Episode Eighty: Custom Vibration

By brolloh With so many notifications coming in from so many apps and people, it can be hard work looking at your phone every five minutes only to see that you’ve had yet another pointless email come through.
iOS 5 and iOS 6 feature custom vibrations so your important contacts stop getting lost amongst the rest.
To create this new vibration, navigate to Settings > Sounds > Select your current ringtone > Vibration

You’ll be given a list of seven default vibration patterns. Scroll beyond the bottom of this list and you’ll see ‘Create New Vibration’

You’ll be presented with a large grey square to tap on, this will record the vibration you have in mind. (Quick tip: simplicity is the key but who are we to judge?)

When you’re finished, you can tap Save and name your masterpiece.
Now navigate to your Contacts app, find your loved one, tap Edit, just under E-mail you’ll see Vibration: Default, tap this.

Scroll to the bottom and select your custom vibration.

Now you know who calls or iMessages you before you see it.
More soon!

Source: SquareCMD


#SquareCMD Episode Seventy Nine: Preview Signatures

By brolloh We’re getting a little formal at Square HQ today, we have lots of PDFs to sign so we’re using a feature introduced to Preview with OS X Lion – Signatures.
We love how simple and speedy this feature is. To start, open a PDF within Preview that’s awaiting a signature. Select ‘Annotate’ then ‘Signature’ then ‘Creature Signature from FaceTime HD Camera (built-in)’

A new window will launch and you’ll likely see yourself in the video capture window. As the instructions suggest, you’ll need to scribble down your signature on a plain piece of white paper and hold it up to the camera with the blue line directly underneath. You’ll see a live preview of the digital signature so select ‘Accept’ when happy.

Your signature has been vectorised and now sits patiently within the Signatures drop down menu, select the signature and you’ll be required to draw a box where you’d like it to appear.

As the signature is vector based, it can be as large as you require without pixellating. You can add as many signatures as you’d like if you have different versions (or a stage name!)

Simple but such a great feature!
More soon!

Source: SquareCMD