Creating custom shortcuts with apostrophes

I’m running OS X localized in French and recently started using custom keyboard shortcuts extensively. But I’ve come across a few menu items for which I could not create a shortcut. I realized that all these items contained apostrophes. Not the same apostrophe as the one on the keyboard though (‘ vs. ‘ which is a single quote, ascii 39).

I managed to find the right char in a *.strings file inside the Ressource/French.lproj folder of the application package ( in this case), which I could then copy and paste in System Preferences

10.9: Disable App Nap System Wide

The Finder/Get Info checkmark for preventing App Nap sometimes disappears, seemingly at random. Maybe the app updates itself, or just writes something to the application directory and the checkmark is gone. The next day your overnight render is at 10%. So in Terminal, type:

defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSAppSleepDisabled -bool YES

This seems to prevent App Nap completely, looking at the Activity Monitor

10.9: Assigning Tags by keyboard shortcut in Finder

I’m not sure if this has been covered sufficiently already, but I’ve heard lamentations by various writers about the lack of a keyboard shortcut to bring up the file-tagging popup in the Finder. While none is provided by default, one can easily be set up.

In previous versions of OS X, the File menu had Label: followed by the row of colored cells. In Mavericks, the row of tags is still there, but the un-selectable Label: has changed to the selectable Tags…, which opens the tagging popup menu next to the selected file.

This process may already be familiar to MacOSXHints readers. Go to System Preferences