[Carrier] T-Mobile in NYC

By keitarou So I have T-Mobile in NYC. It is great everywhere I go but near the freedom tower, I get terrible speeds. Download is below 1mbps and upload can be anywhere from 0.07 to 4mbps. Ping is great and have 4 bars of signal. Anyone else have this issues around this area? If it’s congestion, it’s pretty bad.

Source: MacRumours


Anyone have their Watch on a NATO band yet?

By hcole623 I wear NATO/G10 straps of different varieties on my mechanical watches almost everyday.
It would be pretty easy to do the mod where you can use traditional watch bands, and use a 2-piece NATO strap (so as not to block the sensors).
Perhaps one of these
I was curious if anyone had done this yet and had some pictures? I think it’d look great!

Source: MacRumours


No More Location Status Icon for Weather App?

By eric3312 Very..Very dumb question indeed. However, I noticed that when I use the stock Weather App (both widget and app itself), I no longer see the little Location Services symbol in the status bar at the top anymore. I used to see this everytime I’d swipe down to view the widget…after it refreshed, the symbol would then go away.
Can anyone else confirm this?
I know, it’s silly…it’s just something I’ve noticed.

Source: MacRumours


4S still on 7, what happens when my iPad goes up to 8.3?

By itsMeFred My ipad mini (Retina) is currently running 7.0.something
My iphone 4S is going to stay on 7.0.6 unless anyone has a particularly compelling reason I should go up.
I had left my mini alone, also, because I’ve read it’s easier to keep the ecosystem happy if my iDevices are both the older OS…
But. I want to put MS Office on my ipad and it requires at least 7.1 so I guess I’ll have to upgrade to 8.3…
So, what exactly happens when my iPad is 8 and my phone is still 7?
I heavily rely on the cloud sync for my calendar, for example…

Source: MacRumours


Fastest model in UK

By ssong Just wanted to share my experience.
Ordered a 38mm AWS WSB today morning, got the confirmation email at 9:18 AM BST. Delivery date was 15-22 May.
Got charged at 4:05 ish and now it’s preparing for dispatch.
7 hour turnaround.

Source: MacRumours


Garageband X Regions Snap To 0:00

By Bollockser I don’t trust Garageband to record live audio without giving me the damned “Disk Is Too Slow” error, even with loads of RAM and a brand new SSD.
Thus, I record with a little 3rd party app, and then drag and drop my sound files into garageband to mix them and apply effects and export the whole thing as a single sound file.
In iLife 11 and previous versions of GB, when I drag and drop an audio file into a track in garageband, I could butt each track up against the beginning of the file – thus, the beginning of each track was in perfect alignment at 0:00.
LO AND BEHOLD Apple threw me a loop when I upgraded to Garageband X: when I drag and drop sound files into a garageband track, they will now go back before they playhead and you can push them into negative time.
NO GOOD. I need each track in perfect sync.

Source: MacRumours