In a series of seemingly unprompted Tweets, Kanye West calls Steve Jobs a hero and claims his for-profit firm is actually a non-profit arm of Apple.
Source:: Apple Insider
In a series of seemingly unprompted Tweets, Kanye West calls Steve Jobs a hero and claims his for-profit firm is actually a non-profit arm of Apple.
Source:: Apple Insider
Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web, hopes to hand back control of personal data to individuals, with the launch of an open-source platform called Solid to control where data is stored and what entities have access to the information.
Source:: Apple Insider
Google on Monday revealed a major update of Google Maps rolling out to iOS and Android this week, including a new Commute tab and support for music service control without switching apps.
Source:: Apple Insider
The U.S. Justice Department is launching a lawsuit against the state of California over newly-signed net neutrality regulations, which could impact both internet service providers and their customers.
Source:: Apple Insider
Apple has widened availability of the Everyone Can Create curriculum, and has now posted the materials on the Apple Books marketplace not just for teachers, but for those wanting to learn from the materials as well.
Source:: Apple Insider
Apple’s efforts to continue growing its market share in the United States may be facing resistance from the market itself, as Pew research data indicates high levels of saturation for smartphones and cellphones, leaving few relatively few brand new customers to acquire.
Source:: Apple Insider
The FBI recently ordered a suspect unlock his iPhone X via Face ID, in the first known example of police doing so anywhere in the world.
Source:: Apple Insider