Must-have deals: Apple AirPods drop to $139; $200 off iPad Air; $150 to $200 off iPad Pros

Amazon has just issued another price drop on Apple AirPods, bringing one of the season’s hottest gifts down to $139, with delivery before Christmas. Amazon has also reissued triple-digit discounts on current 11-inch iPad Pros for the holidays, while new iPad Air markdowns of up to $200 off deliver the lowest prices ever on the thin-and-light models.

Source:: Apple Insider


Save thousands on 2019 Mac Pro RAM with DIY upgrade

The new Mac Pro can hold up to 1.5 terabytes of memory, but paying Apple’s prices for more RAM from the base amount at the time of order can add up to $25,000 to the cost of the workstation. AppleInsider offers some aftermarket upgrades as cheaper alternatives to boost the memory capacity of your new 2019 Mac Pro with a quick DIY upgrade.

Source:: Apple Insider