Xgrid lives — a new project resurrects the promise of Apple’s dead clustering software

By news@appleinsider.com (Mike Wuerthele) Evoking the old Xgrid days, a new project connects Mac Studios together with Thunderbolt cables, and uses them in tandem for massively parallel computing tasks.If you have two Mac Studios, maybe you can cluster themA very long time ago, I was involved in cluster computing, and assisted with a few Mac-centric cluster builds in Virginia. Near the end of Xgrid availability from Apple, I also built an Xgrid cluster using beige G3 motherboards. You know, just because I could.While the corporate- and federally-funded Xgrids were pretty good, the self-build projects were pretty janky, and fragile hacks. Apple’s Xgrid worked very well in extremely specific circumstances, but very poorly outside of those scenarios. Continue Reading on AppleInsider | Discuss on our Forums

Source:: Apple Insider