Apple wants to help you open real-world locks just by looking at them

By (David Schloss) Apple is researching how to bring the simplicity and security of biometrically protected passwords to real-world objects like bike locks, door codes, safes, and more with the help of iPhone or Apple Vision Pro.Apple’s tech could allow for at-a-glance combination code access and guidance.In this patent Apple has plans to tackle the problem of having to remember real-world combination lock codes, door security codes, and more. The patent describes a process of simply looking at a physical object, seeing associated codes, and unlocking steps stored on the device.Point an iPad or iPhone at the device, or simply look at it with an Apple Vision Pro or an iPhone using the upcoming iOS 18 glance detection feature called Eye Tracking, and the correct combination and instructions on unlocking it will appear. Continue Reading on AppleInsider | Discuss on our Forums

Source:: Apple Insider