Google wants to cut its reliance on Apple for search revenue

By (William Gallagher) Facing a potential court ruling that would force Google to stop paying to be the iPhone’s default engine, the company is increasingly trying to lessen its dependence on Apple.Google pays Apple a cut of its revenue for searches made through the Safari browserPrevious reports on the Department of Justice’s antitrust case against Google have revealed that Apple could be out $20 billion annually, if the court finds in favor of the DOJ. But a new report concentrates on the potential damage to Google, and what the company is trying to do about it.According to The Information, Apple’s cut represents 36% of the ad revenue Google gets from searches done through the iPhone’s Safari browser. The remaining 64% means Google gets approximately $56 billion from Safari on the iPhone, or around a quarter of all its search revenues. Continue Reading on AppleInsider | Discuss on our Forums

Source:: Apple Insider