Apple won’t let go of the idea of a touchscreen MacBook Pro

By (William Gallagher) Despite continually saying a touchscreen MacBook Pro is a bad idea, newly-revealed research shows Apple hasn’t stopped exploring the idea.Detail from the patent showing a touchscreen MacBook ProDespite widespread excitement when there is even a hint of a touchscreen Mac, Apple’s position has famously and consistently been that there will never be one. Specifically, the Mac and the touch-screen iPad are two different things, and we should all buy both of them.”We really feel that the ergonomics of using a Mac are that your hands are rested on a surface, and that lifting your arm up to poke a screen is a pretty fatiguing thing to do,” Craig Federighi, Apple’s senior vice president of Software Engineering said in 2018. “I don’t think we’ve looked at any of the other guys to date and said, how fast can we get there?” Continue Reading on AppleInsider | Discuss on our Forums

Source:: Apple Insider