Best portable power stations for winter camping from Bluetti

By (Sponsored Content) Bring the comforts of home with you on your winter camping trip with Bluetti B300K, AC200, and PV350, which can power everything you might need from heating pads to lights for a days-long adventure.Bluetti B300K powering your RV lifeWhether you spend all your time traveling as a van life or RV life connoisseur, or you just want to try winter camping in a tent for the first time, Bluetti has portable power stations built for you. The B300K is their latest edition with 2,764.8Wh capacity in a compact case that weighs 65 pounds.There are many reasons to trust Bluetti with your power needs, be it for keeping the lights on after a power outage or keeping you warm in a remote campsite. The B300K is widely compatible with the AC300, AC200L, AC200 Max, and AC500, plus it can be stacked for expanded capacity. Continue Reading on AppleInsider

Source:: Apple Insider