#SquareCMD Episode Seventy Six: iPhone Shortcuts

By brolloh Do you find you write the same phrase over and over in iPhone messages? For example if you’re a happy, contented sort you might be writing “I love you” in every message. That’s 8 characters! Your time is precious, 8 characters typed ten times a day means you’ll have wasted three days by the end of your life being mushy!
If you must stick with love-based cellular communication, we have a suggestion.
Navigate to Settings>General>Keyboards and scroll down until you reach Add New Shortcut….

Now you can type ‘ily’ and your phone will fill in the rest, romance will arrive on your darling’s phone as usual, but they’ll be unaware you’ve regained three days of your life back. If they do find out you’ve found a romance shortcut, firstly we didn’t tell you, and secondly you only did it so you could have three more days with them, which is quite romantic anyway.

More soon!

Source: SquareCMD